Bentley Continental Oil Type Finder

Motor oil is a vital part of your Bentley Continental's engine. It provides the much needed lubrication to many of the internal parts of an engine. One of its key jobs is to prevent wear and tear on the moving parts which helps keep the engine running smoothly. Without oil, the engine would cease up almost immediately.

Regularly checking and changing your Bentley Continental engine oil is really important. Every time you start and run your car, very fine by-products from the combustion in the engine will be collected in the engine oil. This is one of the reasons why over time the oil goes black. If these contaminants build up too much and exceed the capacity of the oil it can have a negative impact on your car’s overall efficiency and actually effect its performance as it creates sludge and increased wear in the engine block.

Money Saving Fact: Changing the oil in your Bentley Continental GT will definitely be the cheapest way. However most people don't want the hassle of getting all oily and dirty. But you can still save money even if you use a local garage or Bentley dealership. Most people don't realise that when taking your Continental GT for a service you can provide the oil for the oil change yourself. You can order the right type of oil cheaply on the internet or pick up at your local automotive centre (like Halfords or even some supermarkets). But make sure that you buy an Bentley approved engine oil so there are no problems with your factory warranty.

What Engine Oil For Bentley Continental GT?

Every engine oil will have its viscosity grade labelled on the packaging. This will look something like 0W-20, 5W-30 or 5W-40. This grading is used to measure how thick / fluid the oil is and help ensure you buy the right oil for your car. The lower the viscosity grade of the oil, the more fluid and thinner it will be than those with a high grade (higher numbers) which will be much less running and thick.

So which engine oil should you buy for your Bentley Continental? Whether you are topping up your Bentley Continental oil or doing a full change of your Bentley Continental's oil it is really important that you use the correct grade of oil.

We have listed all the Bentley Continental models and engine types in the following table, as well as the correct engine oil grade for each of the cars. You can use the search and filter to easily find the right engine oil for your Bentley Continental.

Car Make & Model Year Oil Grade
Bentley Continental GT V8 Petrol 2012 - 20180W-40
Bentley Continental GT V8 S Petrol 2014 - 20180W-40
Bentley Continental GT W12 Petrol 2011 - 20180W-40
Bentley Continental GT W12 Speed Petrol 2012 - 20180W-40
Bentley Continental GT W12 Supersports Petrol 2017 - 20180W-40
Bentley Continental GT3-R Petrol 2014 - 20150W-40
Bentley Continental GT V8 4WD DCT (549 hp) 2019 Onwards 0 Petrol 2019 Onwards0W-40
Bentley Continental GT W12 4WD DCT (635 hp) 2018 - 2021 0 Petrol 2018 - 20210W-40
Bentley Continental GT W12 Speed ​​4WD DCT (659 hp) 2021 Onwards 0 Petrol 2021 Onwards0W-40

Check Oil Type For Bentley Continental.


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